How I Balance Self-Improvement and Self-Compassion

3 quotes that keep me grounded when I feel overwhelmed.

Amy Tang
Be Yourself
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2021


I am always changing, whether that’s developing a new project or improving on a skill. The desire to be the best version of myself manifests in consistently maintaining good habits, exercising, meditating, starting a side hustle, and reading.

I’ve found that while improving myself is important, it is equally necessary to take the time each day to appreciate what I already have and who I already am. In the midst of working toward my goals, I tend to forget to celebrate my smaller wins, or I feel guilty for taking too much time to rest.

It is in these moments where balancing self-compassion and self-improvement is the most important.

1. Every day is just one day.

I often underestimate how important every day is. Today is one day in my life, and the day I look forward to in the future is also just one day in my life.

Every day consists of 24 hours for me to do whatever I please.

Hustle culture is rewarding in many ways: it feels great to wake up early, work out, optimize my habits, and work toward future goals. But at the same time, the heavy focus on the future can cause me to forget about the present.

When the grind becomes an obsession, it is important to take a breath, recenter, and remember that life only exists in the present.

Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius writes:

“Remember that man lives only in the present, in this fleeting instant: all the rest of his life is either past or gone, or not yet revealed.”

— Marcus Aurelius, “Meditations”

Being present is a simple concept to know, but an incredibly difficult one to embody.

In the peak moments of my grind, I would find myself so focused on the future that I’d forget to celebrate my wins. After achieving a goal that I had been working towards for over a year, I didn’t even take 5 minutes to revel in the joy and excitement of my accomplishment.



Trying to be a bit better every day. In my free time I like to workout, dance, and read.