A Foggy Walk Alone

Thoughts amidst a walk home

Be Yourself
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2013


When the sky is clear and the sun is shining it is easy to find our way home. But we know the one certainty in life is change.

The time comes when the days get shorter and the nights get colder. We long for summer again.

These days it is hard to find your way home. The streets seem so unfamiliar, the world so foreign.

The fog obscures the way. All you can do is follow the light.

The destination reveals itself with each step.

We trust we will find a way, and this way will be the way.

Down the rabbit hole.

Deeper down.

Pause amidst the journey to reflect. Never be ashamed of where you came from.

Look back at the bridges crossed. Once and never again.

The light is always there. Can you see?

To be human is to face the day when, surrounded by friends and family, you feel homeless.

But when we lose everything, only the essential remains.

The things you look for the hardest are in plain sight. So when lost, don’t forget to look up.

You’ll find your true home.

“Where is my true home?”



Once upon a time an early adopter of Facebook, Twitter, et al. Then one day, deleted name, deleted apps, and left The Matrix. Now I’m back.