Boost Your Productivity with These 5 Foods

Health is the key element of high performance. You can use these foods to create a healthy diet that will help you sustain your success.

Mahoney KORPE
Be Yourself
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2021


Personal development guru Tony Robbins constantly tells his audience: “Successful people ask better questions and get better answers as a result.” As someone who has worked with people from different walks of life over the years, there is a question she has heard over and over: “How can I be more productive?”

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

Computers were supposed to lighten our workload. Ironically, they did the opposite. The demands of today’s world have increased considerably. Whether you’re the CEO of a start-up, an entrepreneur, or a parent, these demands are tough to deal with. The real question to ask is not what to do, but how to do it.

So, what are the characteristics that separate very productive people from those who are not so productive? These characteristics are often reduced to two basic concepts: stress and health. These two elements are actually intertwined. So stress worsens our health, and health affects our stress. Therefore, being healthy is a key element for high performance. Entrepreneurs who do not focus on health will pay the price in the long run.

