Don’t Call Me Creative

Jackie Welence
Be Yourself
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2016


(At Least Not In That Tone)

“Oh! You don’t have a degree? At least you are so creative! I wish I could be more creative like you!”

How many dear, well-meaning people have dropped this one or something similar into your mind? How about my least favorite:

“I’m sure someone as creative as you will find a husband someday!”

It’s amazing how the words people speak can remind us of things from our youth. I can remember playing by the dumpsters as a seven year old in the parting lot of our apartment complex. That day I had the honor of playing princesses with one of the older girls. As I attempted the climb up into our ‘castle’ she stopped me. “You can’t come up here, you’re not a princess. You’re just a servant but if you are good, you can help me build the castle.”

I believed her.

I believed her for years.

Someday’s I find myself still believing the cruel words of an eight year old girl.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

Books, songs, self-help gurus and preachers will tell you there is power in words. Words you speak to others, words you speak to yourself, words others speak to you, and words you believe.

You may be wondering… isn’t being called creative a good thing?


A brick can be a good thing too! We use bricks to build homes, walls, and many other awesome things! Unfortunately, a brink can also be used to break someones windows or knock someone out, allowing a thief to take their valuables. So is a brick good or bad?

It depends on how it is being used.

PLEASE DO NOT MISTAKE ME… I am Creative. Creating is my FAVORITE.

Too often people use “you’re creative” in the same way the out “lol jk :)” on the end of a rude text message.

Many think by complimenting our abilities they make up for the fact that they pointed out what they see as a less than best in us. Like the weird prizes you get for showing up and surviving tee-ball.

Creativity is NOT a participation ribbon or cool character band-aide to cover a weakness. IT IS A SUPERPOWER!

Do we all struggle in some areas? Absolutely! We are human! That does not make creativity a subcategory of ability.

You are creative.

You are amazing.

Keep Going! I have faith in you!

