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Living my Truth

Gila Nehemia
Be Yourself
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2017


Much has happened in the last few weeks. I have decided to branch out on my own and be an entrepreneur. It was not a career path that I dreamed about as a child. I actually wanted to be a performance artist, a dancer or singer. Last week I found myself traveling to Palm Springs, CA. I went to an amazing conference entitled the Zone Event 2017 hosted by Shanda Sumpter. She is an amazing, intuitive woman entrepreneur who assists burgeoning entrepreneurs in fulfilling their dreams.

She fueled the burning fire inside me to go after my own financial freedom and independence. I love traveling and spending time in nature. At the event, I decided to fully commit myself to this dream and focus on how I can use my writing to help other women heal. The goal seems lofty but I know when I commit to something I give it my all. Once I made this commitment I realized that I was committing to giving a gift to myself. I was following my own dream, my own creation. A chance for me to show myself that my limitations are only in my mind. I can conquer my own fears and go beyond my comfort zone to reach new heights.

Shanda told us that being a successful entrepreneur means conquering your fears and working on your own personal development. I finally realized that this is exactly where I am right now. I want to be the best ME possible. I want to set my own schedule, prices, work with a select clientele and build a burgeoning community of like minded people assisting each other. All this is possible.

As the dream clarifies itself the reality seems doable. How did this sudden shift occur? Am I finally growing up? What I did realize is when we shift our mindset the Universe shifts. All the lofty goals seems like attainable goals. What if we had no fear, would our lives look different? I ask myself often what do I fear and how can I overcome them. I have taken steps like quitting my job and committing that no matter what for the next 8–10 months I am going to focus on my new career.

This lifestyle is not for everyone, though I do have to say that my friends and family have been very supportive of me. It made me happy to see so much love around me. It took my breath away. This support changed my life giving me the extra confidence to set my heart and soul on fire to achieve and reach my goals.

There were so many personal, heart wrenching stories at the event that inspired me and made me cry. I was so happy to be around like minded, courageous, powerful people. I felt my energy vibrations reaching new heights with all the good vibes around me. It gave me the courage to fight for what I want at all times. I no longer accept weak excuses from others and myself.

I finally feel totally happy and free just being me! Loving myself for my unique gifts and talents. Loving my kids and all my family and friends for being their authentic selves. Expressing my gratitude to them for being a part of my life. Each of them are so very special to me, it warms my heart thinking of them.

Now I focus on my feelings and not my rational mind. This change in focus has helped me tap into my heart and soul. For the only way to live my life is by constantly checking in with my heart and soul.

Gone are the days where I was looking for validation and waiting for someone or something to choose me. I have the power to co-create my own life with the Divine. The Divine helps me to manifest what I want if I commit completely and utterly to it. This idea of surrendering your truth to the Divine was a new concept for me. I am used to giving, not receiving and not surrendering. As I start surrendering to the Universe, I see my world shifting, my thoughts materializing, and opportunities opening up.

I did not realize that all of us have this power within us to feel amazing and be our true wild, independent selves without fear, doubt, or guilt. It is this deep feeling of empowerment that I want to share with other women.

My desire is that all women will release the shackles of fear built inside their minds and reach deep inside their heart space to answer their unique wild calling that has been buried. Let us spend time delving within, uncovering who we really are and letting it shine so bright that we are a magnet to the select people that resonate with us because we are so dazzling and irresistible being our true, authentic, vulnerable selves!

Much love and light to all of you!

Copyright © 2017 Gila Nehemia. All rights reserved.



Divine Intuitive Healer whose words guide people to heal chronic traumatic wounds to live a divine, erotic life. Get my book,