Proof of Collective Consciousness

Art Good
Be Yourself
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017


So I’m pretty sure I stumbled onto proof of collective consciousness today. I was putting up storm windows for my grandmother as I always do this time of year. As I grabbed a cloth to wipe them clean I noticed some cobwebs. They were really quite beautiful and geometric, created with precise shapes. Then I thought, this spider has never been to web school, it doesn’t even have it’s associates in web design. Yet this near perfect creation exists. How does it know how to make it? Then I thought of every other web I’ve seen throughout my life, and every other that must exist throughout the world, all so very similar. Have these spiders met? Has the information needed to spin them spread through word of mouth? The internet? Informational pamphlets? Impossible. So again, how do these webbed structures exist when considering them from a human logistics standpoint, they shouldn’t. Thus, the proof of collective consciousness lies before us. There without a doubt has to be some collective “bank”, if you will, that all spiders and perhaps all lifeforms can draw knowledge from. Spiders, not being distracted by cell phones and T.V. shows must be able to access this information intuitively.

Before all of the many distractions that bombard us today, were humans once capable of such creations as well? perhaps more complex, due to the scale of our own intellect. Could this be how structures like the Great Pyramid have been found all over the world and were built without any written records or blueprints ever being found? And if so, what might there purpose might have been? We may never know.

You be the judge.

