Why I think Artificial Intelligence is going to take away our jobs and make the world a better place!

Mirantha Jayathilaka, PhD
Be Yourself
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2017


Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

Ok. The title might seem to have two contrasting statements, but let me explain.

The big hype around AI has led to many debates on whether people are going to lose their jobs when machines take over. And the obvious answer? YES! It is going to happen.

Although I believe that the existence of a so called “Artificial General Intelligence”;

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. (wikipedia)

is decades away even if it’s ever going to come up, the development of “Narrow Artificial Intelligence”;

Weak artificial intelligence (weak AI), also known as narrow AI, is non-sentient artificial intelligence that is focused on one narrow task.(wikipedia)

is already done and famously proven to be better than humans by developments such as AlphaGo (by Google’s DeepMind).

So what can be seen here?

Machines are thousand times better than humans in “TASK EXECUTION”.

I argue that around 4 out of 5 jobs we do today involves repetitive execution of a task at some point, that involves only a minute amount of thinking. Machines are surely going to be so good at this than us. Thousand times faster with almost no margin for error. That is good!

Think about it. We are going to get so much work done the right way and with so little time. Put into good use, see the opportunities of achieving that infinitely high efficiency and productivity! Yes please, take the jobs.

But what is left for us?


Put those brains into use. Soon gone will be the days where we could sit at a desk, execute the same tasks for years and years and expect a promotion. Mark my words.

If you’re not constantly in that innovative mindset, you WILL be left behind.

Creativity is going to be the most valuable skill to have and master in the future, in almost all areas of work. The question won’t be how well you can do something, but rather how creative can you get with what you do. So that you can pivot the process and let a machine take care of the execution towards meeting the goals. With execution out of the way you’ll have so much more time to be creative about the next move.

So this is good for humanity, isn’t it?

I argue that Artificial Intelligence will create a world of greater productivity and lesser mistakes with machines taking care of the execution. Along with that will be a generation with a more creative and an innovative workforce who will enjoy more time in their hands to think out-of-the-box that will pave the way for more great inventions going forward.

Food for thought!



Computer Scientist. Machine Learning. Writing to share because I was inspired when others did.